posted ago by MrHeretic ago by MrHeretic +58 / -2

I feel like this is something we might need to talk about.

As you all know, we cannot guarantee that Trump will be sitting in the white house a year from now, as much as that would be a good thing to happen. Some of you might argue whether or not it would actually matter and whatnot (I still see a lot of debate), but I still feel that it would at least have enough of an impact that it would give us hope. (Admittedly, one of my liberal relatives has admitted he no longer thinks it would be the end of the world if Trump wins again).

However, what is scarier is the possibility of Kamala getting in. It might not be the end of the world, but I could easily see her continuing the damage that has been done during Biden's time - and I think that we all agree that there is a good chance the country goes to World War 3 under her.

At the same time, though, we need to remember what we gathered together under. I feel like even with the utterly abysmal state of the vast majority of the video games industry (and other industries) we have managed to do some good, such as exposing Zoe Quinn and her associated cronies, spreading awareness of Sweet Baby Inc, and working against a lot of the garbage in modern AAA titles like Assassin's creed: We Wuz Samurai and Dustborn. However, there is still a lot of shit to be done, as it looks like it will be a while before DEI policies or other bad decisions lead to the death of a major company (well, maybe Ubisoft, but I feel like they could get bought out to survive).

Regardless, in any case, there are some questions that need to be asked:

  1. How do we survive four to eight years of Kamala, whether next year or a term following that?

  2. Even if Trump makes it another four years, how do we take advantage of that? I fear even if he tries his best a lot of his best policies might get blocked by house democrats or doormat republicans.

  3. Regardless of either of the last two questions, how can we ensure that more of the good fight is fought? Are there any more good efforts being done against DEI? Some good lists of consultancy firms like SBI might be a good start, at least.