My biggest pet peeve of dming is when someone plays a teifling or a lizardman or just decides on a horrifying looking character and the NPCs react as if a scary monster is talking to them. I can like feel a shift as the player thinks "Oh their BIGOTS!!!!" ignoring that they''re supposed to be normal easily killable humans that are rightfully scared of monster races because 99% of them will kill normal humans and elves on sight.
Though the garbage that came out killed any interested I have of ever doing that again for dungeons and fagots that love Matt Mercer
My biggest pet peeve of dming is when someone plays a teifling or a lizardman or just decides on a horrifying looking character and the NPCs react as if a scary monster is talking to them. I can like feel a shift as the player thinks "Oh their BIGOTS!!!!" ignoring that they''re supposed to be normal easily killable humans that are rightfully scared of monster races because 99% of them will kill normal humans and elves on sight.
Though the garbage that came out killed any interested I have of ever doing that again for dungeons and fagots that love Matt Mercer
So basically it's reality, but we're using different species as stand ins for different races.