In May 2023, a 22-year-old man pleaded guilty to killing a 19-year-old man, Horace Lorenzo Anderson, inside CHOP the night of June 20, 2020. He was sentenced to 14 years in prison, followed by three years in community custody.
When you kill someone, you get half of what someone got who wasn't inside their precious House of Lobbyists on January 6.
In June 2021, Isaiah Thomas Willoughby, 36, pleaded guilty in federal court to setting a fire outside the abandoned Seattle Police East Precinct during CHOP, also known as the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone or CHAZ. He was sentenced to two years in prison.
An arsonists got less than the Q Shaman, who used no violence and upbraided people for taking cakes from the fridge.
Ultimately, four shootings, including the killings of Anderson and 16-year-old Antonio Mays Jr., were reported in and around the CHOP zone. No one has been charged in Mays’ death.
When you kill someone, you get half of what someone got who wasn't inside their precious House of Lobbyists on January 6.
An arsonists got less than the Q Shaman, who used no violence and upbraided people for taking cakes from the fridge.
Black lives don't matter after all.
Antifa was angry because of all the blacks getting shot by cops. So what do they do? Shoot 2 unarmed blacks by day 2.