The question has always bounced around in my head, but it has become far more apparent in light of Biden "dropping" from the presidential race then completely disappearing from the public eye, along with moves made by the establishment to artificially prop up Cackles.
I've seen my fair share of theories and educated guesses as to who is really running the country at the moment, but I would like to hear your thoughts.
Bonus: How do you expect the upcoming debate between Trump and Special K to turn out?
And that claim is pure media gaslighting and historical revision. Why do you spout off about these things if you won't be bothered to actually go watch them yourself, ant? Seriously. You've been on these boards talking about american politics for long enough you should actually be paying attention, or at least know enough to not spout "buh cnn said polls said he lost". The debates were a shitshow, not an actual measured competition with judges and scoring - the globalist run media declaring their zombie puppet "won" means nothing compared to what people who actually watched them saw.
You can still just look up the debates and watch them.