130 See, it's not a race thing. The Germans are just as bad as the immigrants. (media.scored.co) posted 163 days ago by CommieDefenseForce 163 days ago by CommieDefenseForce +133 / -3 34 comments share 34 comments share save hide report block hide replies
The information behind it is real: https://www.bild.de/politik/inland/zahlen-aus-nrw-gruppenvergewaltiger-zu-78-mit-migrationshintergrund-66d8742b2abf410d4e2f9867
tl;dr: Over half of gang rapes in the state of NRW were committed by foreigners (i.e. no German passport). Over half of the remaining "Germans" had foreign names, mostly Turks and Arabs. All in all, 78% of gang rapists were foreigners.