I've seen Meat Canyon and every once in a while I'll give in to morbid curiosity and hate watch some of his videos.
His videos are disturbing and intentionally disgusting, but on top of that, and this is the thing I don't see anyone ever talking about with him, is you can tell he is about as far left as possible. You can always tell how he'll portray a person or situation based on his leftism. When it's the Johnny Depp trial vs Amber Heard, Amber Heard is portrayed as a victim and all the people wanting Amber Heard to be brought to justice as a raging celebrity obsessed mob that just wants to attack a woman because they love pirates of the carribean.
In one video about that fat streamer who would rage at peoples insults, the video is about how the fat streamer is so fat that he creates a black hole that sucks the entire world into it. On it's own, no problem, but the problem comes when you look at his video about Nikado Avocado. Now that guy is 10X cringier than that aforementioned streamer, so you'd expect that he'd really mock his fatness right?
No, it's the rare "sympathetic" video, where the cartoon makes a point to show him caressing the picture of his "boyfriend" and how he's trapped in this mukbang prison where there's no escape and he wants to get out, but everything turns to a grey mushy food paste. Again, because Nickado is gay, he portrays him as a more sympathetic character.
He has the usual targets; "Karen's", people who are pro patriotism, pro masculinity, etc.
There's also some severely blasphemous stuff, like where a guy goes to Pawn stars with a live Jesus suffering on the cross and the Pawn stars people proceed to "test if it's the real Jesus by putting a spear in his side while He's still alive" for example.
Basically if you look at Meat Canyons videos with that eye in terms of who the subject is and how they're portrayed, you will notice pretty quickly that he is totally against all that is good and decent. Yes he makes horror that's meant to gross out and that is in every video, but you can see his agenda at full display in the way that he does it.
Same with the TikTok banning video where the TikTok founder is just a confused innocent Chinese man where all the congressional Americans are gross witch-hunters who are jealous that their own weird videos aren't viral.
I agree, I haven't watched red letter media in over a year because I saw them get progressively more liberal and since they were one of my favorite youtube channels, it's too painful. It's like watching your own child become an activist or something.
I saw the writing on the wall when Mike started parroting some feminist talking points a few years ago and I knew it would be just a matter of time.
They used to make rape jokes and racial jokes. They were hilarious. Seeing them now is unfortunate. Same with Jaboody show. Their older commentary tracks of like Harry Potter are hilarious where they do this whole gay Dumbledore schtick where when Harry looks into the memory basin, Dumbledore comes in and goes "what....what'd you see in there Harry.....you just keep what you saw between us ok". Friggin hilarious. Now they won't make jokes like that and I almost never watch their stuff anymore.
With MeatCanyon, I never liked it from the very moment I saw it, so there's no personal loss, just some rare anger watching. I don't expect my once every few months views is going to make or break him when it comes to irrelevancy. So while I agree with your statement, I'm not too hung up on it or invested in his success or failure.