He corrects himself the next word after they cut it off too. So not only are they petty, they are manipulative.
For their preferred people, they can say truintsernadpreussue and that's great or "It is time to do what we have been doing and that time is every day" and be called a great orator.
"Donald Trump goes into hysterics for a medic at rally-" because he saw an old person have a medical emergency. They wouldn't be lying so hard if their position wasn't fucked.
He corrects himself the next word after they cut it off too. So not only are they petty, they are manipulative.
For their preferred people, they can say truintsernadpreussue and that's great or "It is time to do what we have been doing and that time is every day" and be called a great orator.
"Donald Trump goes into hysterics for a medic at rally-" because he saw an old person have a medical emergency. They wouldn't be lying so hard if their position wasn't fucked.