posted ago by Rezlung ago by Rezlung +79 / -1

I read a lot of Substack. There are some excellent writers there, and once you find a few decent creators it can snowball into a reliable source of interesting content. I first started reading various covid-related Substack newsletters in 2020 but I do a lot of daily reading there now. There’s also a “notes” feature to the app/website that is reminiscent of twitter. One thing I will say is that there is of late a LOT more liberal/progressive content on there than before. A lot of the more “based” Substacks seem to have been relegated to the “Health Politics” section of the top ten listings, but as long as you curate your own list of content creators there’s plenty to read. Still, there’s not very much censorship (or none at all there) as far as I can tell. I’ve been tossing out J-pills in the comments.

Some of the newsletters I like:

Simplicius’s Garden of Knowledge: geopolitical analysis and some of the best info and analysis of the Ukrainian War https://substack.com/@simplicius76?r=7ja88&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=profile

eugyppius: a plague chronicle A German physician writing about covid and politics https://open.substack.com/pub/eugyppius?r=7ja88&utm_medium=ios

Coffee and Covid: I read this every morning, highly entertaining news roundup from a based Floridian Christian lawyer. https://open.substack.com/pub/coffeeandcovid?r=7ja88&utm_medium=ios

Bad cattitude- written by (as far as I tell) an anonymous libertarian data scientist or statistician, this Substack had some of the best content I read during covid https://open.substack.com/pub/boriquagato?r=7ja88&utm_medium=ios

Postcards From Barsoom- I think I have to recommend this one above all the others. Every essay written by “John Carter” for this Substack is excellent, and probably highly relevant for readers of this forum. https://open.substack.com/pub/barsoom?r=7ja88&utm_medium=ios

That’s all I’m going to bother linking but Pierre Kory, Robert Malone, Keith Woods, Aaron Mate, John Mearsheimer, Vox Day, Ryan Dawson, and plenty of other worthwhile writers publish there.