posted ago by bamboozler1 ago by bamboozler1 +50 / -1

This is not a particularly insightful observation, and I’m sure most of you are aware of this, but my god has that place ever good downhill, even compared to how it was before…

I only still have an account because some people (women, always women) seem to view it as an “acceptable” communication method for acquaintances. And if you meet one and you say “I don’t use Instagram” then that’s an immediate conversation-ended, lol. And admittedly it can be useful sometimes, for that purpose. Or to see what a select set of people are doing.

But man, for the majority of people I know, on there, whether I went to school with them, or Uni, or met them in some other way, it’s all become the same vacuous bullshit.

Girls LARPing the millionaire lifestyle despite being largely unemployed. Guys posing shirtless on treadmills or showing how “fit” both they and their partner are. All manner of pretentious, vacuous relationship bullshit.

Sure, Facebook is, and has always been, fucking terrible, but at least people are sometimes funny on there.

I can only think of one person on my Insta who ever posts anything particularly “amusing”, and I don’t even know her personally. The rest of it is utter, utter braggadocio shit.
