posted ago by SpaceGeneral ago by SpaceGeneral +53 / -2

Something that has been on my mind quite a bit over the last few years has been the shift in fashion trends, not just with clothing and the like but with body styles. If you were born in the 80s or earlier, you are old enough to remember when what was considered attractive now was not attractive then, especially if you're White. If you grew up in the 80s, 90s and very early 00s you might remember who the"hot" female stars of the day were.

Women who looked like





Or This

Feminine, slender, fit, lithe, tight, and tiny. We called them spinners and had phrases like "an ass so tight you could bounce a quarter off of it".

And yet, now the beauty standard among even White women is more like



Or this

Obviously something happened in the last few decades. Now we all know fashion trends and what is considered attractive culturally does shift naturally over time, though it's usually in spans of centuries. But it's suspicious to me that this transition took place at the same time black culture was deliberately starting to be pushed into the spotlight. The DEI push started gaining steam about 15-20 years ago, it's only become more overt and aggressive now that they've gained enough institutional power. But the push to make black sports stars, black actors, black music, etc all the most popular really started to get going in the mid/late 00s. Right around the collapse of the last punk/alternative music era where real genuine bands with real musicians and instruments got pushed into a more niche interest and rappers and autotune started taking over. I'm sure many of us who are old enough noticed the change and can think of more examples. But it's gotten bad enough that if you tell some people you still find the first group attractive and the second gross, you might be accused of being a pedo or liking girls who look like little boys.

My question is, do you think it was deliberately pushed on us by the malicious powers that be, or was it just a natural shift, like as Americans got fatter in general, fatter women who at least kind of wear it better than a blob became the new beauty standard? A bit of both? Any other reasons or factors you might think contributed to it? It just seems odd to me that as blacks and their standards were forced into everything else, even White women started to want to look like black women just with lighter skin. You'd never have heard of the latest "it girl" in a mid 90s summer teen comedy or slasher movie wanting to get ass implants, much less find a White high school boy in 1997 who wanted a girl who had them. We wanted volleyball players and the cheerleaders at the top of the pyramid, not twerkers and ghetto chicks. "Thick"(we still spelled it correctly back then) was a positive adjective for black chicks and the black dudes who liked them, and they were welcome to keep it to themselves. But that was then, and it's not that way now, even for a ton of White men. Why though?