You seem to have stumbled into this sub and mistaken it for one of those cucked "rational centrist" hives where they preen and fawn all over themselves for their willingness to lose honorably and allow the enemy to win so long as it's done above board.
You can cram that shit up your gaped asshole. We're in this to win. You're damn straight I want my values and my views and my side to win and dominate, and the enemy's values and views to be eradicated forever. I don't care who thinks that makes me a "hypocrite". It's not hypocritical to be in your trench firing your rifle at the enemy hoping your rounds will hit, while he's in his trench firing at his rifle at you and you're hoping his rounds will miss.
If something strengthens my side and harms the enemy, it is good. If something harms my side and strengthens the enemy, it is bad. I don't care if it's the same thing used in different way. The thing that matters is the result. Victory for us and our beliefs, the grave for them and theirs.
Failure to support representation of your values in media results in the disappearance of your values from media. Since it’s impossible to create a story beyond Dick and Jane reader primer level with no values, the disappearance of your values from media inherently means their substitution with someone else’s. To smugly argue against defending the existence of one’s values in media is dumb. To smugly argue that one should fight against their own values in media is worse than dumb—it is a reprehensible sort of cultural suicide.
That said, I do not extend you the courtesy of believing that you are merely a smug, dumb, culturally-suicidal fool. I strongly suspect there are values you’d be perfectly comfortable seeing defended and promoted in media, and that they are likely quite close to the evil being mocked here.
Makes fun of people pushing their values via videogames, then advertises games that push their values.
You seem to have stumbled into this sub and mistaken it for one of those cucked "rational centrist" hives where they preen and fawn all over themselves for their willingness to lose honorably and allow the enemy to win so long as it's done above board.
You can cram that shit up your gaped asshole. We're in this to win. You're damn straight I want my values and my views and my side to win and dominate, and the enemy's values and views to be eradicated forever. I don't care who thinks that makes me a "hypocrite". It's not hypocritical to be in your trench firing your rifle at the enemy hoping your rounds will hit, while he's in his trench firing at his rifle at you and you're hoping his rounds will miss.
If something strengthens my side and harms the enemy, it is good. If something harms my side and strengthens the enemy, it is bad. I don't care if it's the same thing used in different way. The thing that matters is the result. Victory for us and our beliefs, the grave for them and theirs.
Failure to support representation of your values in media results in the disappearance of your values from media. Since it’s impossible to create a story beyond Dick and Jane reader primer level with no values, the disappearance of your values from media inherently means their substitution with someone else’s. To smugly argue against defending the existence of one’s values in media is dumb. To smugly argue that one should fight against their own values in media is worse than dumb—it is a reprehensible sort of cultural suicide.
That said, I do not extend you the courtesy of believing that you are merely a smug, dumb, culturally-suicidal fool. I strongly suspect there are values you’d be perfectly comfortable seeing defended and promoted in media, and that they are likely quite close to the evil being mocked here.
Death is indeed a preferable alternative to communism. Especially if it's death for the communists.