posted ago by Kienan ago by Kienan +62 / -2


brave://settings/shields/filters (or search for how it works in your browser of choice)

Then add the sites he likes to use. Use wildcards (*) to catch everything.

You'll still see his posts, so you can downvote and report, but you won't see the images or sites load. You'll still probably see the thumbnail, for whatever reason, but it's still a massive improvement; you can open up the thread without being bombarded with gore.

His most recent iteration has used the following sites so far:


Just add those to the filter and, as mentioned, any images or text from the link will be blocked. Report, downvote, wait a day to a week for our mod to get off his ass and quit doing whatever degenerate shit he (allegedly) is busy with.

Stupid we have to do this, but still a massive improvement.

Have a good day.