Starmer announced a new police unit to deal with "violent disorder". While the main focus has been on the rioting over the last couple of days, lesser known measures that have been introduced include:
Mass surveillance including monitoring and facial recognition of all individuals to target anyone through special measures that could include banning of freedom of movement, freezing bank accounts and criminal behaviour orders imposed on anyone who is expected to dissent. Everyone will be subject to movement restrictions.
Targeting of the "far-right" in a political and media sphere. Farage was singled out by the media. Martin Daubney who presents for GB News has been arrested.
A legal request to shut down and remove all "speculation" or speech that could be deemed incitement or shutting down telecom networks in areas where people are protesting or trouble has broken out.
All police forces and the Government will implement these measures with immediate effect.
I’m just going to guess if these were women, blacks, turbanites, or whatever the party protected class is in the UK, these would totally not be “violent riots” but peaceful protests.
Doncha know-thur, not wanting your kids stabbed by foreign invaders is far right now?
See? The Bobbies said so.