posted ago by DigitalFulcrum ago by DigitalFulcrum +64 / -1

Aside wherever wokeness and the apex god tier plot armor modern day Batman has. The character is just inhuman now. He is written as always being "one step ahead", no one can even get a hit on him and he's gone completely sociopath. Older written Bruce Wayne was still a guy at the end of the day, trying to have relationships and a life. Older Wayne also would make mistakes, walk into traps, get captured, and even the Penguin could get a few strikes on him.

No he's just unstoppable and can defeat Superman is a even one on one. His Bat Computer needs to go too because all his detective work is done for him on a machine instead of investigating crime scenes himself.

Thank you for reading my stupid rant, hope you guys have a nice day and hopefully have something fun to do.