Brother, let me slow you down for a sec, because I can see where this is going. Yes, do orthodox Jews hate us...I know. Is there a cabal high powered "Jews" (and I use that term veery loosely) who are up to some skeezy, pedophilic BS? Yep, know that too. But it's up to God to deal and dictate what happens to them. Isreal has always had a hard time doing what is "right", the book of Judges goes into detail about how many deliverers they have gone through (by name), and they never seem to learn their lesson. They will be dealt with in Christ's timing. Every knee will bow, Every throat will confess. That is my last word on this subject. Have a great day.
Again, you are almost right. The Koran is not the only Muslim holy book. While the Koran says what it says (in fact Mohammed's last words to his people were, "Go forth and kill Jews and Christians.")the other two Muslim holy books, the Sunnah, and the Hadith finish telling the whole story about how Muslims are supposed to feel about Christians. Trust me, they hate us just as much through their tenant of Taqiyya, they can lie to the "infidel" and tell him anything as long as it advances the cause of Islam. Read Sharia law for Non-Muslims by Dr. Bill Warner.
Brother, let me slow you down for a sec, because I can see where this is going. Yes, do orthodox Jews hate us...I know. Is there a cabal high powered "Jews" (and I use that term veery loosely) who are up to some skeezy, pedophilic BS? Yep, know that too. But it's up to God to deal and dictate what happens to them. Isreal has always had a hard time doing what is "right", the book of Judges goes into detail about how many deliverers they have gone through (by name), and they never seem to learn their lesson. They will be dealt with in Christ's timing. Every knee will bow, Every throat will confess. That is my last word on this subject. Have a great day.
Again, you are almost right. The Koran is not the only Muslim holy book. While the Koran says what it says (in fact Mohammed's last words to his people were, "Go forth and kill Jews and Christians.")the other two Muslim holy books, the Sunnah, and the Hadith finish telling the whole story about how Muslims are supposed to feel about Christians. Trust me, they hate us just as much through their tenant of Taqiyya, they can lie to the "infidel" and tell him anything as long as it advances the cause of Islam. Read Sharia law for Non-Muslims by Dr. Bill Warner.