I just got back from my 16 day ban. I missed the ban thread and wanted to paste my comment to see if anyone cared to respond. Dom has a hard on for me and a few other users because we keep busting his balls for censorship and we like railing against jewish supremacists.
But to my point: Dom isn't that bad. Hes not insane (probably) nor a jidf (probably). And he's actually gone enough so we actually get some free speech discussion. I imagine it's because he has a life and is not a tranny online only redditor.
But his issue is that he's trying to curate this board into his own idea of what we should be instead of what the userbase actually is. We are a bunch of gamers, christians, right wingers, autists and historians, and we all argue about these things, which includes a lot of hot button politics. But thats this community, not some reddit tier safe space. The whole internet is becoming a safe space, we dont need another. I myself migrated here from conpro and kia2 on reddit after the banning of t_d and its way better here having real discussions.
He is trying to direct this community towards what he thinks we should be. The community is the community. A mod coming along and telling us we need to be something else is not his place. He needs to keep illegal shit off the board and beyond that stfu about the direction it is going.
My issue is this: kia2 is a hotbed of based discussion and if he keeps stomping the community's free speech people will just abandon this place completely and he can hang out with Imp1, gizortnik, and himself. I dont want to see that happen to this place.
My advice to Dom: clean up pedo shit/illegal shit/porn spam and leave the discussion to the users. You are a moderator, not a King. We are a text board community, not your acolytes.
It's definitely good to see, especially since I believe insurgent finally stopped using his (or more accurately, the multiple people running those accounts) 1000 alts to try and burn down the forum finally gave up as far as I'm aware. The quality of the average post has definitely gone down though, but the top ones are still great. The Olympics have given quite a few good posts to us over the prior days.