There was also headless Marie Antoinettes (plural), fireworks to symbolize blood, and a ménage a trois (with two vageuely non-binary looking males and one girl) in a library while “reading” classics of French literature…
It was… A lot.
Very (current year) French. Though whether that is a good thing in this case, I’m not sure…
There was also headless Marie Antoinettes (plural), fireworks to symbolize blood, and a ménage a trois (with two vageuely non-binary looking males and one girl) in a library while “reading” classics of French literature…
It was… A lot.
Very (current year) French. Though whether that is a good thing in this case, I’m not sure…
And of course they mocked Christian religion:
The french elites really hate the average french person.
(They will NEVER do the same thing with a scene featuring prophet mohammed in drag?)
Watching the replay of it right now. The drag “fashion show” thing has gone on for over an hour, in between the athletes’ parade.
And the Christ figure drag queen is the DJ. But of course…
They’ve also got kids in there with the drag queens, sadly but unsurprisingly. I’ve just noticed that… 😑