62 Nice Jesus: When Anon gets it Right (files.catbox.moe) posted 211 days ago by BollocksToBolsheviks 211 days ago by BollocksToBolsheviks +62 / -0 69 comments share 69 comments share save hide report block hide replies
IIRC, he stormed the building with a group of armed men, and occupied it forcibly, and prevented a holiday ceremony from going forward.
What building did he storm with a group of armed men, and what ceremony did he prevent? Please cite the verses you're talking about.
I was hoping you all would know more than me. As it was described to me, he stormed the temple.
I know he stormed the temple, but I can't find anywhere it says in the bible that he had a group of armed men with him, or that he prevented a ceremony.
Let's be careful not to accidentally embellish details.