posted ago by Lethn ago by Lethn +2 / -7

If this can't convince people that steam is completely fake and gay now I don't know what will. I suspect what's happening is the bot farms have all realised that Valve don't give a shit about doing any kind of moderation on the steam marketplace. There was also another new shitty idle clicker shovelware clone I saw pop up and it's called Shrimp. The usual haunts like CS:2 seem to be dropping and perhaps Dota 2 technically.

I wouldn't be shocked if a lot of these shitty F2P titles were using bot farms to bump their way up the charts too especially the Chinese developers. I can't help it, I find the maths behind all of this fakery fascinating and even the normies are noticing. It's also getting much easier to figure out which reviews are bots versus legit, unsurprisingly a lot of the positive bot reviews are fake as fuck gibberish or shitty memes.