Since the woke spent literally decades saying that "White people have no culture" can we flip it on them and say that "black people have no culture that's why the woke have to keep black washing European and Asian history and culture"?
Anytime they shove black people in Asian or European historical settings just say "they do this because black people have no culture"
It won't work because normies generally have no real values besides whatever is socially expedient at the current time and place. They won't acknowledge something blatantly obvious and ill-intentioned like the ongoing Gingercide in fiction, because they stand to lose more than benefit by calling attention to it.
Why is it whenever any action gets suggested you doomers go "it won't work" even before trying? This is why the right never gets anywhere. You give up without even trying
People say "it won't work" because plenty did try and watched it fail spectacularly.
Your logic only works if you are the first genius to ever think of such an idea.
Plenty of people tried saying that blacks have no culture? i haven't seen it
You seem to have missed a lot of things, which is in contrast with how confident and definitive you feel speaking on them.