Rigs the 2016 elections, wages war on the entire EU literally WW3 (in reality just slavs being slavs, war brewing for decades), and now somehow is about to rig elections, again, in the country with most ''stable and fair'' elections? Man this Russia that was on the brink of defeat by almighty zelensky, and that has been losing the war (pls gib more billions, just 100 more billions and zelensky and his crew will rolling the ukrainian flag down the rooftops of Kremlin) is such a superpower.
Rigs the 2016 elections, wages war on the entire EU literally WW3 (in reality just slavs being slavs, war brewing for decades), and now somehow is about to rig elections, again, in the country with most ''stable and fair'' elections? Man this Russia that was on the brink of defeat by almighty zelensky, and that has been losing the war (pls gib more billions, just 100 more billions and zelensky and his crew will rolling the ukrainian flag down the rooftops of Kremlin) is such a superpower.