posted ago by StaticNoise2 ago by StaticNoise2 +44 / -2

Someone in the gaming section the other day mentioned how Youtube was over once normies realized they could make money on it.

I agreed and elaborated. But I want to know something. That fake, overly enthusiastic, faggy way of talking they all do...how and why did they arrive there? How and why did the normies go "that....being a retarded faggot and talking like one...that's the gold rush boys!!!"

I want to know the progression.

When I was watching early youtube, the popular people had edge, were raw, and were usually ranty and negative, like most talking heads usually are, because that's far more entertaining to watch. A funny bitter guy like Anthony Cumia is 1000x more interesting than an Ellen Degeneras with her insincerity.

So what the heck made the faggy youtube voice/personality the golden ticket in the minds of normies? What was that pipeline that led there?