Someone in the gaming section the other day mentioned how Youtube was over once normies realized they could make money on it.
I agreed and elaborated. But I want to know something. That fake, overly enthusiastic, faggy way of talking they all and why did they arrive there? How and why did the normies go "that....being a retarded faggot and talking like one...that's the gold rush boys!!!"
I want to know the progression.
When I was watching early youtube, the popular people had edge, were raw, and were usually ranty and negative, like most talking heads usually are, because that's far more entertaining to watch. A funny bitter guy like Anthony Cumia is 1000x more interesting than an Ellen Degeneras with her insincerity.
So what the heck made the faggy youtube voice/personality the golden ticket in the minds of normies? What was that pipeline that led there?
There was a secondary force that became primary once the gold-rush was moving as you describe. That is, the 'viral marketing campaign' organizations that believed the best way to advertise was to get the social media engagement from anyone they could buy positivity from.
The mannerism of someone paid to shill is fundamentally different than the natural speaking forms of critique, review, or casual mention. The feedback someone on the take will get will be "more positive, more effusive" on and on. They're selling a product, and it is their overly gay hyperactivity applied to their audience.
The rest of it, is the hive-minding of what is successful and trendy. A mode of communication develops based on the norms and expectations of these particular audiences (those with something to hawk) and players (those who can act and manufacture 'engagement').
The effect is especially jarring when the ads are done by more mainstream, non-gaming channels like fishing and hunting channels. In the video itself they talk one way, usually like normal dude-bros and/or hyped up 20 somethings, and then in the ads they put on the goofy YouTube voice and it's just fucking weird.