Woke was and is a good word, but I find that the left too easily dismiss you if you use the word woke. They just immediately erect a mental strawman image of you and go "oh you're one of those who still cries about wokeness".
Now I'm not saying stop using the word woke. If you abandoned every word that the left tried to recontexualize, you'd have no words left.
But I do think using the word political correctness needs to start being used again more. It's been largely abandoned in favor of woke, but saying someone is being politically correct has an advantage over woke. It's pointed and all people know that being politically correct is stuffy and lame.
I hear them go "woke is just a code word for someone who actually has empathy".
I've yet to hear them justify the term politically correct. It makes the person being called politically correct feel prudish in a way that calling them woke doesn't. If you call them woke, they sometimes wear that as a badge feeling like it makes them a champion of "justice".
When you call someone out for being politically correct, it's still got that lame quality that even the perpetually lame left hasn't been able to spin into a positive because unlike woke, you're not just saying they have upside down values. You're saying they have upside down values and they're a tiptoeing, pussyfooting, coward who adheres to strict lanes out of obedience. With being called woke they can still justify that that's who they authentically are. But if you say they're being politically correct, you're taking it a step further and pointing to them that if it weren't for society encouraging them to say exactly what they said in the exact way you're supposed to say it; they wouldn't be saying it; ie they're a drone.
Both terms are kinda weak. Neither is inherently negative in its component make-up and requires outside context to understand the full intent. Woke especially is cringe inducing for how lame it makes you look.
"Political correctness" on the surface is barely a criticism, it slightly implies selfish motivation and gives them the undue credit of being correct in the pragmatic machiavellian sense. It's a passive aggressive bitch move at best. No wonder the British loved it.
Woke in an autistic sense is positive. It implies alertness and awareness. Better to be awake than asleep on the job etc. And the cultural context is just a lefty version of red pilled- it meant "awakened to the systems of oppression". Which in reality is completely the opposite of what the DIE deluded psychos are, helping destroy the common man's dream of being anything but a slave. So using it as an insult either you're ignorant of the etymology or you're using it ironically like an early 2000s hipster cunt, neither are particularly respectable.
They love to play word games, so don't give them softballs like that. At least label them with something inherently negative and make them work to try and save face.
I don't really have one encompassing word for it because their flaws are just too numerous to compress that much, you lose too much resolution. I just cycle through a bunch and tailor it to the specific breed of asshole I'm describing at the time.
The useful idiots are NPCs, gullible retards, blind drones and cultists.
The politicians/activist leaders are parasites, con-artists, wouldbe tyrants and habitual liars
Their ideology is a death cult, white/man/straight hatred and chronically deluded.