3 Yakuza voice actor becomes trans ally after getting head from a transgender woman (media.scored.co) posted 252 days ago by Dessert_Eagle 252 days ago by Dessert_Eagle +4 / -19 30 comments share 30 comments share save hide report block hide replies
So he’s gay? Sounds like “born this way” is such hilarious bullshit that troons are proving that the entire concept is made up to excuse degeneracy.
She's not one of those woke manly ones that don't even try, this is one from Japan who actually put effort into transitioning, thus not gay since she looks and sounds like a real woman: https://youtu.be/7WnWzHqpoYc
Okay. I had my suspicions, but now I know you are a faggot.. Thanks for clearing it up. Time to block you & your degenerate posts.