"She believes anxieties about the Internet are inflated, and asserts that most tribespeople “wanted and deserved” access to the World Wide Web.' "
"Still, some officials in Brazil have criticized the rollout to the remote communities, saying special cultures and customs could now be lost forever. "
“This is called ethnocentrism,” Dutra said of such critiques.
“The white man thinking they know what’s best.”
Special cultures and communities.
Picking fruit off the ground, eating human flesh and shitting in the river.
Such special much culture.
Just some notes for those wondering how bad these points can be.
Fruit only tends to fall after it has started to rot.
This has repeatedly led to prion diseases like kuru.
This is the most obvious one, do it in the wrong place, ie upriver, and at worse you contaminate your drinking supply, at best you contaminate your bathing and washing areas.
"If I poo by hut, hut smell and get flies. If I poo in river, river god carry poo away"