We pay >$1.5b/yr in taxes for it and hockey is legally our national sport. The idea we couldn't see the semi-finals featuring a Canadian team on free TV, especially since we got to see the 2 American teams in the other conference, is insane.
Even more insane that they skipped it to air the Canadian Screen Awards (that nobody cares about, there hasn't been a decent Canadian movie since Passchendaele in 2008), Just for Laughs (which airs about 200 other times on CBC), and Canada’s Ultimate Challenge which is apparently some Amazing Race knockoff.
We pay >$1.5b/yr in taxes for it and hockey is legally our national sport. The idea we couldn't see the semi-finals featuring a Canadian team on free TV, especially since we got to see the 2 American teams in the other conference, is insane.
Even more insane that they skipped it to air the Canadian Screen Awards (that nobody cares about, there hasn't been a decent Canadian movie since Passchendaele in 2008), Just for Laughs (which airs about 200 other times on CBC), and Canada’s Ultimate Challenge which is apparently some Amazing Race knockoff.
Lacrosse is our national sport, dumbass.
1994 just called, dipshit: https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/n-16.7/page-1.html
Lacrosse is still the national Summer sport.
So, I guess we're both correct.
Fuck face.