posted ago by FrozeInFear ago by FrozeInFear +53 / -0

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Thursday afternoon, a Somali man shot two people in an apartment building (one died). In attempting to flee the scene, he tried to commandeer a moped at gunpoint. Another driver saw this and rammed the Somali (and then, I guess, left the scene). The cop arrived at the scene and saw the downed Somali. Cop reportedly attempted to render aid to Somali.
Officer down.
The Somali then lost a shootout with other police officers.
The cop was a 36-year-old black man in his second year on the job. He had previously been honored for rescuing an elderly couple from a burning house. This makes for 4 murdered first responders (3 police, 1 fire) in 4 months in this middling metropolitan area.

In completely unrelated news, Sunday night, the local County Attorney suddenly decided to drop her criminal charges against a state trooper for shooting (and ultimately killing) a black man who was driving off with another officer partially in the car last year.