Based was a thing those on the right would say.
Now I see leftists and normies calling anything they like based.
And it's actually caught on and it's been thoroughly co-opted. Here's the thing though, it's not because they ran a successful campaign to get it to catch on. The left has been trying to co-opt snowflake and red-pilled for years and can never make headway. We all just laugh when we see the left trying to call someone with righteous indignation a snowflake.
There are two reasons based caught on.
It wasn't that good to begin with. Unlike snowflake which is targeted and specific, and you pretty much get the picture immediately, based never made any sense. Even looking it up didn't provide much clarity. It would be something about some rapper or something called basedgod or something? I don't know. The point is, it was lame to begin with.
Because it was so vague, the right barely knew what it meant, and the leftists and normies definitely don't know what it means, especially nowadays. It's not like snowflake where they know exactly what it means and they hate it. No one really knows what based means, nor ever did. It was inevitable that a retarded ebonics lexicon would find itself diluted into the sea of retarded ebonics lexicon'.
The right has had some great and pointed terms through the years. Red-pilled, NPC, Snowflake, etc. Based was not one of our better efforts. It was always lame.
never heard anyone say "based" unironically outside of the chans and here.
It gets used a little on Twitch, which is definitely a leftist space, but I would say it's mostly a right-leaning word.