58 When Pelosi is tried for insider trading, I want the trial before a jury in a nice, fair jurisdiction. Like the Texas panhandle (twitter.com) posted 261 days ago by NatalieBiden 261 days ago by NatalieBiden +58 / -0 34 comments share 34 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Yeah, trump will get her just like he got clinton!
Fuck you.
Reality hurts, eh?
Fuck off.
Don't worry little guy, someone else will fix all your problems if you only believe, and vote hard enough!
Guess who missed out on being president?
Also you still can't lock up donnie boy after 7 fucking years
Who? Don't leave us in suspense.
I see they're not sending their best again. Heres a hint. It starts with an H.
Hurrr, if you're not with us, you're against us, durrr.
I know exactly what you're referring to, and you're a fucking retard. Anyone who criticizes your fat, red-faced, geriatric zogbot must be a democrat.
I'm Canadian, you fucking knee jerk, 90 IQ, celebrity worshiping boot licker.
Hurrr, you like hillary! Speaking of that cunt, why isn't she in jail? Which was the point of my original post, that you are clearly too stupid to grasp.
lol, border wall?
lol, immigration?