Once again, our completely useless mod has had his fill of banning the good faith regulars before fucking off for a week so that pedo pajeets can shit all over our threads like a public street.
Dom, you obviously don't want to be here any more than we want you here, so let's just finally get someone who actually cares put in charge. Pin a thread where the users can vote for your replacement, and hand over to the winner when you do your next weekly check-in. This is getting ridiculous.
And as always, go fuck yourself.
I offered to be mod and was down voted for some reason
Your account is 110 days old, I brought this up over 2 and a half years ago.
Here's your catch 22, either accept the fact you're wrong, or be dumb enough to give away your other account IDs and watch them get torched as well.
If any of the boards that guy is currently trolling has a mod that cares enough to proactively nuke accounts he's used for past pedo posting, they should get in contact with the mod team on c/ConsumeProduct, where that guy spent the past two years making new alts and getting banned daily. He's hated enough over there that im sure any of the mods would happily put together a list to help another board get rid of him now that he's targeting boards with only one active mod.
I think DoM would spontaneously combust if he asked the ConPro mod team for advice.