Once again, our completely useless mod has had his fill of banning the good faith regulars before fucking off for a week so that pedo pajeets can shit all over our threads like a public street.
Dom, you obviously don't want to be here any more than we want you here, so let's just finally get someone who actually cares put in charge. Pin a thread where the users can vote for your replacement, and hand over to the winner when you do your next weekly check-in. This is getting ridiculous.
And as always, go fuck yourself.
He's gone beyond just your regular freaking out and entered libeling territory prior to his second to last absence. A whole week of unchecked pedos later, he shows up to ban them only to turn around and double down on everything (His double down comments are toward the bottom, my response is toward the top).
Now he's gone again, and at this point, barring intervention by the scored(dot)co admins, I don't see Dom doing what is right for the long term health of this board.