I like to ask this question every few months.
Currently reading Life of Pi by Yang Martel. Saw the movie a few months ago and wanted to read the book. The one I just finished was called Black Ice by Michael Connelly. It’s one of the Bosch books.
I like to ask this question every few months.
Currently reading Life of Pi by Yang Martel. Saw the movie a few months ago and wanted to read the book. The one I just finished was called Black Ice by Michael Connelly. It’s one of the Bosch books.
The Ruby Knight. Book 2 of the Elenium, one of David Eddings' older series. His late work is mostly ghostwritten and trends into being goofy, but the Elenium is some of his best work imo.
My thoughts exactly. He eventually gets overly predictable and his protagonists are never really challenged but he gets it most right in this series.
I don't remember the name of the book but he had a one off that involved time travel. It was nothing except the heroes essentially playing tricks on the bad guys and they were never in any serious danger the whole time. No stakes despite all of history being theoretically at stake.
It feels almost nothing like his early work.
I'm fairly sure the book you're talking about is the Redemption of Althalus and it's the book that convinced me to stop reading Eddings. Many of his worst excesses were becoming apparent in his later series like the Mallorean and the Tamuli but they became truly egregious in that book.
Ha - I just posted about this book before getting this far down the thread