I picked up EGS years ago and I'm just starting to play it. Right now I'm just gathering resources but I don't know what my next steps are supposed to be as far as base or vehicle building goes. NMS looks interesting as well and it's half off on GOG for the next few days.
Does anyone have any experience with these games?
I found No Man's Sky fun (I played it for the first time maybe two years ago). I shifted to a new galaxy once and I felt I had enough, as I also maxed out myself and my ships' capabilities. You start getting used to the patterns in the procedural generation, and eventually I didn't feel like scanning flora and fauna at 100% for a planet because the bonuses didn't feel worth it, and then I didn't want to waste time scanning anything. A notebook and a few lucky trades and you have all the money you might want, and it's easier to just buy the materials you need than actually harvest.
It you get caught up in gatcha games with daily missions and stuff, you might get more mileage with the built-in multiplayer hub, along with dispatching Frigate missions, but everything had this samey-ness to it that just got exhausting and felt like work instead of discovery.