With all the problems occuring for Boeing planes and the airlines that use them, as well as the effects of having diversity enforced upon airlines, which airlines that run in the US are the least affected? Are airlines that use Airbus, for example, also having planes fall out of the sky?
I am thinking of visiting some family cross country. Road trips are expensive nowadays due to the price of gas and lodging. Just curious if there are any airlines/ airplanes that aren't as badly afflicted by progressivism. While we are at it, how bad are modern planes and airlines? As bad as the jokes of "planes falling out of the skies" make it out to be?
I think this is exactly why people are more scared to fly on planes than to drive themselves. They think, in part rightly so, that as long as they don't drive like a complete maniac, they're pretty much safe when driving. However, there can always be a mechanical failure of the car, or a drunk driver crashing into you with 200 km/hour, so even if you are correct that your driving is impeccable (which, to be fair, is rarely the case) there are still considerable risks.
Yes. Good thing that only very rarely happens.