Game designer Yoshi P wants to see another Final Fantasy Tactics. This could also be in VG Business
The processor for Pac Man is no longer being sold
Sega saved NVidia during the Dreamcast era
How the PS2 did transparencies
A 25 year old unreleased game has been archived. Riqa was a tomb exploration game for the N64
The creators of Crash Bandicoot were tortured while making the third game.
A discussion on incredibly American videogames.
Evolution of Final Fantasy battles
An interview with the music creator for Tetris CD-i
Atmosfear long play. It is a Castlevania like for the SNES
Wipeout XL convinced Sony to have internal game companies
Using old coding books to make games.
A Dreamcast demo helped Rockstar figure out how to make GTA3. I should mention said demo has Godzilla destroying a city.
Google is destroying buildings to expand its campus. This means old Atari buildings are missing or soon to be gone
Every single Goemon game
Classic Indies
Low Poly Aesthetic
Games being made for the Saturn right now
Descent 3 is now open source code
Sega Genesis Mini 3 announced
Former Dawn is an NES RPG without memory constraints. It will have a full cartridge release and Kickstarter It will also be released on PC.
Sega System 18 gets an FPGA core. That's an old arcade board
A point and click adventure for the Amstrad.
Point and click story horror for the good ol ZX
CI: Design
John Romero talks about getting into making games
The Shadow of Mordor was originally a Batman game. Here's what it looked and felt like.
Des: Levels
Radical Non Linear level design
How to plan out a Metroidvania
Des: Doom
Level design rules us d by John Romero in Doom
How to make a good looking Doom map
The visual language of Doom maps
Anyone can make a Doom map
Sandy Peterson's level design
A look at why games for consoles were different from each other. N64 vs PS1
A look at the N64 directly
A direct look at the PS1
Talk about the Saroo for the Saturn.
Cl: Books
A Book on the Sega Saturn
Cl: PlayStation Lists
Best Castlevania games for each PlayStation. It's mostly port collections
The best RPGs for each year of the PS1
CI: Fan Stuff
Some gamers can see more frames per second than others
You can play Tetris on a slurpee cup
A guy turned his N64 controller into an emulated game boy
CI: Mods and Fan Made
Fan remake of Fallout 2
Half Life 1 and 2 remakes… again….
You can unbrick any PSP
Fan Remake of Timesplitters 2 is needing funding
TMNT Hyperstone Heist gets a mod with all sorts of new things. It was released for the Mega Drive
Someone gave Doom Microtransactions
CI: LImited Run Games
Limited Run Games is charging a premium, but making lackluster products. Especially sad because I was just looking at some Castlevania collections then other day.
Another article talking about how these games can't play on the console they are promoted for.
Limited Run Games apologized and promised to do better
CI: Sonic Ring Racers
A racing game about Sonic the Hedgehog using a modified version of Doom
Have an article on the subject
CI: Classic Ports
Jaguar port of Mortal Kombat
Phoenix the arcade game to Amiga
PS1 Doom has been back ported to PC
Yeah. I want the X68000 in the states. Fans have been making great games for the Saturn. The Dreamcast had some amazing games.