This whole position has always been retarded. I agree that Trump has made some missteps in extending more undeserved credit to "black America," and I understand why people are upset that he hasn't pushed for a moratorium on all immigration and such, but spitefully going "therefore, I am going to stop supporting the guy who clearly doesn't hate me and is running against the people who clearly do hate me" is just... dumb.
Watershed moment. This is the first time a significant presidential candidate has breathed a word of this.
maybe he noticed his main source of votes is abandoning him after he threw them under the bus for 8 years
This whole position has always been retarded. I agree that Trump has made some missteps in extending more undeserved credit to "black America," and I understand why people are upset that he hasn't pushed for a moratorium on all immigration and such, but spitefully going "therefore, I am going to stop supporting the guy who clearly doesn't hate me and is running against the people who clearly do hate me" is just... dumb.