Metro at 4 euros :(
Volunteers exploited like never before :(
Swimmers who will have to swim in the Seine which full of excrements and piss. a corpse was recently found there :(
Trash singer Aya Nakamura will be singing for the opening of the Olympic Games :(
Baptiste Moirot will carry the flame :(
Turns out he's a pedophile
-Change of plan. It's not Baptiste but a garbage man from Tiktok who will carry the flame :(
Athletes will be sleeping in CROUS (students) rooms :(
Maximum risk of terrorist attack :(
Top-secret Olympic documents stolen not once but 3 times :(
-Hideous Olympic Village that pays homage to Soviet architecture. :(
-Strike threats :(
-The inaugural dance :( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsCFrJUAq7g
-The mascots :( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJO4_5YPTMM&pp=ygUdam8gcGFyaXMgbWFzY290dGUgdXMgcmVhY3Rpb24%3D
-Migrants and homeless people moved to other cities :(
-Opening ceremony at €3k per seat :(
-Babies and children will be paying full price :(
-Hotels without guests because they've decided to charge tourists three times the usual price :( https://www.leparisien.fr/jo-paris-2024/jo-paris-2024-les-clients-ne-reservent-plus-a-lavance-les-billets-haut-de-gamme-peinent-a-seduire-22-04-2024-LS3I2CAO3BB4ZLB5ULAEACI5OQ.php
-Accommodation without air conditioning in the middle of August and cardboard beds for athletes. The sweat will the beds melts. https://youtu.be/3cppmw8Qq34?t=22
-Lack of security guard:(
-Some security guards are on the national watchlist :(
A repeat of the Munich hostage crisis (i.e. Palestinians taking Israeli athletes hostage) might be in the cards given current events.