"Yet it already feels tainted, like we’ll look back on Stellar Blade as a pawn in this fruitless battle for conventionally attractive women in video games and a lack of censorship that proves, once and for all, that the gamers have won."
If you're wondering why the author of this article is so angry about "conventional beauty standards for women" that's because he's a man: https://i.imgur.com/IZxpq5q.jpeg
Get 1 or 2 AA/AAA games with traditionally pretty chars.. they think hitler is being reincarnated. These faggots have hundreds of AA/AAA games in the last 12 months with no pretty chars.
Mostly just getting goblinas and out of placed gays/browns.
Proof that it's not about "representation." It's about taking your toys away and forcing you to live in their dystopian hellscape.