What is happening was inevitable. Most of us had forgotten GG by 2017/2018 because Acidman (and Niko before him) successfully managed to bury the movement through the mismanagement of its respective board on 8ch and chasing "PR" through talking heads like Milo Yiannapolis and zio-feminists like Christina Hoff Sommers rather than just going for the metaphorical jugular.
But the journos did not forget GG. They kept bringing it up and bringing it up. They got 'Intimidation Game' written for SVU ("Gamer Girls Go Home" if you can even recall that) and the Colbert appearances to manipulate public opinion (or what little existed since the internet was nowhere near as influential in everyday life as it is now), and then they kept dogpiling and twerking on it. Making sure the fire never died down and there was always a tiny little flame still burning for their perverse enjoyment.
When TLOU2 came out in 2020, the wheels began turning again. Millions of gamers rejected Cuckmann's fantasy. That Korean streamer who'd only lost his father recently cut up the disc. There was a definite split re-emerging.
And then in the last few months, SBI came to light. Gas was being released, and when journos went after Kabrutus, that was the spark needed to turn that tiny little fire into a raging inferno once more.
All they had to do was shut up about GG. But they didn't. Because they're predictable dumbasses.
For me this has always been about the media, well the legacy media, controlling narratives and censoring any dissent they don't want getting healthy attention.
Games journos were only ever the testing ground to what became the 2016 US election, shifting attention away from offshore monies, Brexit, #HeForShe, genders and sexualities education to primary school children, Vegas shoting, multiple school shootings, Epstein, #MeToo, Covid, BLM, now the Israel/Ukraine situations and everything else in the world.
Nothing has changed except the platforms worth using to promote unhappiness with each other and form an organised counter opinion and those platforms can be gained back elsewhere on the infinite web which allows for free speech and free market.
Following the breadcrumbs up from the idiotic games journos who hate their lot in life we saw support across much larger International media groups, academic organisations, the United Nations and now government specific funded NGOs to all try and rewrite history through memory-holing, changed formulas and algorithms and blanket censorship.
I really wouldn't mind if it looked like this were all for a reason but, if it is, such a reason is unclear outside of total control and silencing of questioning - fine in a divine logic but there's nothing but mankind in charge of all of this and that always ends in death and suffering.
What is happening was inevitable. Most of us had forgotten GG by 2017/2018 because Acidman (and Niko before him) successfully managed to bury the movement through the mismanagement of its respective board on 8ch and chasing "PR" through talking heads like Milo Yiannapolis and zio-feminists like Christina Hoff Sommers rather than just going for the metaphorical jugular.
But the journos did not forget GG. They kept bringing it up and bringing it up. They got 'Intimidation Game' written for SVU ("Gamer Girls Go Home" if you can even recall that) and the Colbert appearances to manipulate public opinion (or what little existed since the internet was nowhere near as influential in everyday life as it is now), and then they kept dogpiling and twerking on it. Making sure the fire never died down and there was always a tiny little flame still burning for their perverse enjoyment.
When TLOU2 came out in 2020, the wheels began turning again. Millions of gamers rejected Cuckmann's fantasy. That Korean streamer who'd only lost his father recently cut up the disc. There was a definite split re-emerging.
And then in the last few months, SBI came to light. Gas was being released, and when journos went after Kabrutus, that was the spark needed to turn that tiny little fire into a raging inferno once more.
All they had to do was shut up about GG. But they didn't. Because they're predictable dumbasses.
For me this has always been about the media, well the legacy media, controlling narratives and censoring any dissent they don't want getting healthy attention.
Games journos were only ever the testing ground to what became the 2016 US election, shifting attention away from offshore monies, Brexit, #HeForShe, genders and sexualities education to primary school children, Vegas shoting, multiple school shootings, Epstein, #MeToo, Covid, BLM, now the Israel/Ukraine situations and everything else in the world.
Nothing has changed except the platforms worth using to promote unhappiness with each other and form an organised counter opinion and those platforms can be gained back elsewhere on the infinite web which allows for free speech and free market.
Following the breadcrumbs up from the idiotic games journos who hate their lot in life we saw support across much larger International media groups, academic organisations, the United Nations and now government specific funded NGOs to all try and rewrite history through memory-holing, changed formulas and algorithms and blanket censorship.
I really wouldn't mind if it looked like this were all for a reason but, if it is, such a reason is unclear outside of total control and silencing of questioning - fine in a divine logic but there's nothing but mankind in charge of all of this and that always ends in death and suffering.