Think you pavement apes have it so bad here? Fine, by all means I’m sure you can make a perfect utopia in Africa right? I’ve talked to length with my black colleagues (we are all doctors) about race and they straight up admitted to me that if every race but black people were wiped out tomorrow, educated people like himself would be useless since they are outnumbered 20 to one with morons that couldn’t even be bothered to read and write in the 21st century
Something we should’ve done a loooooong time ago.
Think you pavement apes have it so bad here? Fine, by all means I’m sure you can make a perfect utopia in Africa right? I’ve talked to length with my black colleagues (we are all doctors) about race and they straight up admitted to me that if every race but black people were wiped out tomorrow, educated people like himself would be useless since they are outnumbered 20 to one with morons that couldn’t even be bothered to read and write in the 21st century