A certain somebody said, "The Jews are over. They are pulling the anti-semitism card on people who are criticizing them for KILLING CHILDREN" and I have to agree. This is the beginning of the end for the Jewish death grip on leftism.
This piece is like a greatest hits of all the problems Jews have wreaked on American society. It's actually hilarious
In essays that were intellectual bombshells at the time, Kallen extolled the mongrel nature of American society, the phenomenon known as hyphenation. Harvard’s Brahmin elite believed that newcomers must assimilate in full, commit to what they called “100 percent Americanism.” But to Kallen, the hyphen was the essence of democracy. He described America as a “symphony of civilization,” an intermingling of cultures that resulted in a society far more dynamic than most of the countries back in the Old World. The genius of America was that it didn’t coerce any minority group into abandoning its marks of difference.
As if we didn't have enough to blame them for
The historian Marc Dollinger titled his 2000 narrative of Jewish liberalism Quest for Inclusion. Jews set out to achieve that goal procedurally—opposing prayer in public school, knocking down discriminatory housing laws, establishing new fair-employment rules.
How is it inclusive to destroy other people's ability to pray in school??
During the Golden Age, Jews created new genres of Americana, and in turn remade America’s image of itself, through the idealized vision of the heartland found in Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Oklahoma!; the folk revival popularized by Bob Dylan, Art Garfunkel, and Paul Simon; the movies mythologizing the decency of the American Everyman produced by David O. Selznick, Louis B. Mayer, and Jack Warner. (To say that “the Jews” run Hollywood is conspiratorial; to say that Jews founded it is factual.)
Do you even hear yourself?!
In the era of perpetual crisis, a version of this narrative kept recurring: a small elite—sometimes bankers, sometimes lobbyists—maliciously exploiting the people. Such narratives helped propel Occupy Wall Street on the left and the Tea Party on the right. This brand of populist revolt had long been the stuff of Jewish nightmares.
People got mad at a greedy banking elite and Jews started sweating for no reason. You can't make this up lol
As American Jews settled into a comfortable existence in their new land, HIAS’s mission expanded. It has field offices in more than 20 countries, including a branch on a Greek island to tend to Syrian, Iraqi, and Afghan migrants.
But why???
A faith in immigration—the idea of America as a sanctuary for the refugee, the belief that subsequent groups of arrivals would experience the same up-from-the-shtetl trajectory—was a core tenet of Jewish liberalism. A Jewish poet had written the lines about huddled masses inscribed at the base of the Statue of Liberty. If America was a nation of immigrants, that made Jews quintessential Americans.
So in other words, Jews are the quintessential Americans because Jews said so
Even before Trump took office, the Resistance announced a mass protest set to defiantly descend on the capital, what organizers called the Women’s March on Washington. In an early planning meeting, at a New York restaurant, an activist named Vanessa Wruble explained that her Judaism was the motivating force in her political engagement.
Lol please, please
At Rice University, in Texas, an LGBTQ group severed ties with Hillel because it allegedly made students feel unsafe. What made this incident darkly comic is that Hillel couldn’t be more progressive on issues of sexual freedom.
Ahahahaha noooo
In fact, Musk hinted that he shared this conspiratorial view of censorship. In May 2023, he retweeted an aphorism that he attributed to Voltaire: “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” Those words were actually uttered by a neo-Nazi named Kevin Alfred Strom, not the French philosopher. It shouldn’t have been hard to imagine that the words had dubious origins, because they captured a view of the world in which shadowy forces furtively censor their enemies.
Oh I see, a statement that is obviously true to the point of being cliche is actually false, because Jews
The movement culminated in Skokie, Illinois, in 1977, when the ACLU deployed the lawyer David Goldberger to sue to allow neo-Nazis to march through the Chicago suburb, which was filled with Holocaust survivors. The Jewish community was hardly unanimous on the Skokie question—unanimity would have been inconsistent with the tradition—but the ACLU position reflected a commitment to free speech officially espoused by major Jewish communal institutions in the postwar years.
In the Jewish vision of free speech, open interpretation and endless debate mark the path to knowledge; the proliferation of discourse is the antidote to bad ideas. But in the reality of social media, free speech also consists of Jew hatred that masquerades as comic entertainment, a way to capture the attention of young men eager to rebel against the strictures of what they decry as wokeness.
Free speech good until free speech bad
each spring, during the Passover seder, Jews recite this phrase from the Haggadah: “In every generation, our enemies rise up to destroy us.”
"Why do the goyim think we're hostile and paranoid?"
In 1933, the Central Union of German Citizens of the Jewish Faith published a 1,060-page book meticulously enumerating the achievements of the community. It was quite a list. Weimar Germany is remembered as a period of instability, a time of beer-hall-putschists, louche cabarets, and rampant assassinations. But Weimar was also the pinnacle of Jewish power, a golden age in its own right, especially if one considers the whole of German culture, which sprawled across borders on the map.
Outstanding conclusion. Outstanding
Jews presided over the Frankfurt School of social criticism and populated the Bauhaus school of art and architecture.
A certain somebody said, "The Jews are over. They are pulling the anti-semitism card on people who are criticizing them for KILLING CHILDREN" and I have to agree. This is the beginning of the end for the Jewish death grip on leftism.
This piece is like a greatest hits of all the problems Jews have wreaked on American society. It's actually hilarious
As if we didn't have enough to blame them for
How is it inclusive to destroy other people's ability to pray in school??
Do you even hear yourself?!
People got mad at a greedy banking elite and Jews started sweating for no reason. You can't make this up lol
But why???
So in other words, Jews are the quintessential Americans because Jews said so
Lol please, please
Ahahahaha noooo
Oh I see, a statement that is obviously true to the point of being cliche is actually false, because Jews
Free speech good until free speech bad
"Why do the goyim think we're hostile and paranoid?"
Outstanding conclusion. Outstanding
Oh my word lol
Ah yes, the hyperinflation, the transgenderism, and a sex tourism stop for wealthy foreigners. Do they even hear themselves? Why brag about this?
That's clearly the ideal state they want to impose everywhere.