So... the Japanese can be racist now in the progressive stack of oppression? Or are they arguing that the western alt-right is now racist because they believe Japan should only be for the Japanese, or... something?
NPCs must have gotten one hell of an update when I wasn't looking.
UnseenJapan tried to gaslight and tried to claim it was because of the "far right racist wave" that she resigned.
So... the Japanese can be racist now in the progressive stack of oppression? Or are they arguing that the western alt-right is now racist because they believe Japan should only be for the Japanese, or... something?
NPCs must have gotten one hell of an update when I wasn't looking.
The Japanese are back to being honorary Aryans, apparently, so it's time for them to be targeted for replacement migration.
Weird how the left keeps all of the old racial beliefs of the eugenics crowd from a century prior, just inverts everything.
Nah, the Kalegri plan dates back to the 20s. This isn't something new the left just started doing.