Who decided that it was "sinful" to be "racist"?
Who decided that it was "sinful" to say or think anything negative about gays?
Who decided it was "sinful" to say or think anything negative about trans?
Who decided it was "sinful" to say or think that women have a different role to men?
Why? Why can't we say or think these things?. No where in the bible does it say any of this is a sin. Quite the opposite. So who decided they were to be "sins"?
Even here we have rule 15 and rule 16. Why the fuck do we have rule 15 and rule 16?
Middle eastern countries usually dont have that and I wouldnt want to live there. Once something is sinful in a religion or ideology it will be used to discriminate. We learned that in the years before WW2 and in current times with DEI hiring we see it again. Being a white man is sinful for the progressives because they are in their way.