The article about the Japanese feminists calling fully clothed women "porn" said something that hit the nail in how woke fucks operate.
They don’t consider how absurd they themselves sound, rather they just aim to attach the most damaging label they believe will affect you. If you’re someone who finds porn derogative, they’ll use that term to elicit a reaction in their favor.
You see this sort of thing with woke fucks all the time. They throw out the most damaging labels they can think of even when its not true, not accurate and doesn't make sense. What do you call this phenomena?
Because it works, and has worked for decades if not all of history.
If you yell the word racist or sexist or child porn, all heads instantly turn and all of them are already emotionally upset with whoever you just accused. You have already taken the first step to winning over everyone into hating it, because they are emotionally invested in removing the thing that is causing disorder. It only loses effectiveness when the word itself ceases to be effective, in this case "porn" isn't as negative as it once was.
And its not just wokes who do it. Look at how many people on our "side," or even here, will just say "Pedo" or "Jew" on literally everything they think is bad or evil. Regardless of validity, its based on the same techniques to accomplish the same task.
It is funny when they all end up being pedos, though.
At least, it’s funny until you think about it a moment.