The whole thing is just so soulless, the project succeeded because Eric July is black and the "counter culture" crowd desperately wanted to prove that they're not racist.
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YBZ took an almost month break from YouTube, because Eric July said if you have late books you shouldn't be making videos. When, its prob better to keep making videos promoting, just focus on wasting less time. YBZ is a self-admitted TikTok addict, so he may just have been taking a complete internet break, but only relayed the YouTube hiatus.
I don't know what YBZ's channel monetisation is like, but it's my understanding that the comics pay the bills. Getting caught up on products that people have already paid you for is good advice if you want them to keep pre-ordering your books.
His only reach is YouTube. He doesn't promote on any other platform. If the churn of lost subs outpaces the growth of new subs, each campaign will do less.
Yes, it's good advice to get your books caught up. There's less extreme ways of going about it. When the advice is coming from your competition who thinks crowdfunding is a duplicitous business model, you can probably take that into account when considering the advice it's housing.
When it turns out your competition's main argument against crowdfunding is 'My books are on time' because their artist using drop-in 3D models and not actually drawing 90% of their books... It's ok to give their opinions a little less weight.