I imagine part of that is being from Cali and being the oldest still standing MRA group (from 1977!) that is still trying to be as politically neutral as possible.
Considering they successfully won a case that "women's only shelters" cannot exist without men's on government funding and have been barking on this SS lawsuit for over a decade now, I'll give them credit for doing more than probably every Men's Rights group combined.
We need plaintiffs to file a lawsuit against the SSS, male and female, who live in California, between the ages of 18 and 25.
If you fit that description and believe in equal treatment, please send your contact information (cellphone number and mailing address to ncfm @ ncfm . org. In the subject line put “I am interested in becoming a plaintiff in the SSS case.”
I imagine part of that is being from Cali and being the oldest still standing MRA group (from 1977!) that is still trying to be as politically neutral as possible.
Considering they successfully won a case that "women's only shelters" cannot exist without men's on government funding and have been barking on this SS lawsuit for over a decade now, I'll give them credit for doing more than probably every Men's Rights group combined.
From the sidebar on the right:
Just tell them you identify as someone who's allergic to being globalist cannon fodder.
I do not support Jewish run organizations like this unless they STRONGLY condemn child rape and genocide.
I'll wait.