This was posted to KIA2 on reddit by windowcrashuser, but we all know how reddit is, so I am bringing it over here.
Long video about this, but he spends most of it reading the article, so I am going to to link to the article itself:
Original Medium link was deleted by the author.
Read the article, it confirms everything GG has said about SJWs since the very beginning.
And they call us toxic, holy shit.
Fascinating article. I’m still reading, but the thing that’s jumping out at me is that the vast majority of the “harassers” the author is talking about are two or more of: (a) women (b) “queer” (c) lesbian (d) trans.
When are we going to come to terms with the reality that females make social spaces toxic.
"Females" needs to be in massive sarcasm quotes. Here's an article about someone who worked for David "Olivia" Hill, and he tried to cheat on his wife with her.
Holden Shearer of Exalted is another serial harasser, and Matt McFarlane, the writer of Beast, raped a 15 year old.