Why is Israel using poison gas when it's one of the most indiscriminate weapons there are? Of course you're going to kill people you don't want killed (unless it was their plan all along to kill more hostages, which is highly likely now that I think about it).
If it was poison gas, it was likely an "accidental" one, like CO leeching from active troop vehicles just happening to be idling by major airflow entrances and settling into the lower tunnels. Entirely accidentally, of course.
If you want to loot the bodies, you don't use actual "poison" gas. Too dangerous to your own troops. And Isreal proved it's all about looting that body yo, with their new land development projects already being proposed before the ground is even cooled from the mortar fire.
Now, actual poison, instead of gas, just poisoned food or something, sure. That's effective in killing people, and any aide food would likely be shared/tested on the PoWs first.
Why is Israel using poison gas when it's one of the most indiscriminate weapons there are? Of course you're going to kill people you don't want killed (unless it was their plan all along to kill more hostages, which is highly likely now that I think about it).
If it was poison gas, it was likely an "accidental" one, like CO leeching from active troop vehicles just happening to be idling by major airflow entrances and settling into the lower tunnels. Entirely accidentally, of course.
If you want to loot the bodies, you don't use actual "poison" gas. Too dangerous to your own troops. And Isreal proved it's all about looting that body yo, with their new land development projects already being proposed before the ground is even cooled from the mortar fire.
Now, actual poison, instead of gas, just poisoned food or something, sure. That's effective in killing people, and any aide food would likely be shared/tested on the PoWs first.