An £800,000 lesson in how not to do diversity training | Freddie Attenborough | The Critic Magazine
The Free Speech Union (FSU) has just won its biggest ever legal victory at the Employment Tribunal (ET), securing damages likely to exceed £800,000 for Carl Borg-Neal, a dyslexic Lloyds bank manager…
Hate speech doesn't exist. Words are not violence. If you find an idea distasteful, that does not necessitate that others will as well.
The very concept of hate speech implies that words are objectively offensive by nature, which is to completely misunderstand the nature of "offense." One cannot dictate how another is going to feel or react, thus one cannot give offense - offense must be taken.
It is much like the way one cannot accurately say "that isn't funny." The accurate statement is "I didn't find that funny." It is the same with offense. We choose what to take offense at. Whether we realize this choice or not is unimportant because it does not change the reality of the situation.
Free speech is hate speech. I know it's not readily apparent to most people, but the restrictions one places on ideological opponents are exactly the restrictions that will be used against one in the future. Restricting speech because one does not agree with it only has one eventual outcome: more speech will be restricted in the future for an equally arbitrary reason as a means to leverage control over the populace.